Friday, August 26, 2011

Yay for Friday

When I moved here the grass was so green, flowers were bright and yellow, and the bushes were alive. I miss that. We have been here now for about 3 months and since then the yard has gone downhill. I just don’t want a crazy water bill and seems pointless here since it’s been so hot. I believe we broke a record of days over 100 degrees. It’s insane. The heat also kills the leaves so we have tons of dead leaves everywhere and the wind blows them right to our back door, it's so annoying. It's not even fall yet and we have a leave problem. Another thing are the cicadas. they are leaving there skin everywhere and its gross. They are so loud!

I made my first dinner from pinterest last night and it was really good. I used different noodles because I did not want to run to the store for the right one. I will say that I miss have neighbors to bring left over’s to, we had so much.

I went to Zumba this morning with a few friends, and it was a really good workout. Kind of kicked my butt. The babies were so cute, because we line them up and dance in front of them. They do pretty good; just have to make sure we have enough toys and snacks.

I got my Jeans decal for my car, fingers crossed it brings good business. I need to get the word out! Pictures to come.

I'm looking forward to this weekend. Book club and BBQ and of course spending time with my boys.

1 comment:

  1. I wanted to stop in and say HI from another military wife! (Air Force!)
