Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Liebster Blog Award

A little over a week ago I was was told by sweet Annabelle From The Carolina Country Girl that she had nominated for a Liester Blog award. How cool right? Thank you so much Annabelle!!

GO check out her awesome blog, shes one of my favorite reads. Love the honest day to day life she writes about, and shes funny.

The Rules:

1. Choose five up and coming blogs to give the Liebster award to Blogs must have less than 200 followers.
2. Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.

3. Post the award on your blog.

4. List the bloggers you gave the award to with links to their sites. Leave a comment on their blogs to let them know they've received the award.

5. Share five random facts about yourself !

Even though I have been MIA in posting and writing comments, I still have found the time to read some of my favoirte blogs.
1.  Elizabeth over at Running with the Raccas.

I have not been follwing Elizabeth for to long but I enjoy reading about her life, and her pregnacy jounrney.

2. Marcy Over at
 My Button

I really enjoy reading Marcy's blog, something she writes always makes me laugh. She's fuuny.

3.Carly over at Carly Chubby Cheeks.
I always love her Pins from pinterest, Love all her outfits she picks.

4. E over at

I love reading her blog because shes so honest and real, and feel we have things in common.

5.Diana over at

 5 facts about me

1. I love Dr.Pepper
2. I am scared of the scream mask.
3. I collect frogs.
4. I could eat chicken nuggets everyday.
5. I'm a hopeless romantic.

GO check out the awsome blogs!!