Wednesday, March 26, 2014

It's okay

It’s OKAY 
That I’m not perfect 
That I cry when I’m upset.
 That most days I don’t want to cook dinner, but do anyways 
That I want to sleep in longer and to be totally jealous of my 3 year old who sleeps in
 That I LOVE my sweets
 That I am super organized in my head but can’t seem to get past that
 That I look forward to bedtime most days because I’m exhausted
 That I feel horrible about being so tired, and not spending more one on one time with my husband 
To share things about it works all the time, why not share something you believe in
 That I have no idea where we will be a year from now
 To go to therapy
 To stress about health care I no longer have
 To miss my dogs
 That my son had goldfish for breakfast
  To start watching a show on Netflix just to feel like I have a say on what we watch and it not be cartoons all day 
That my apartment is messy more days then it is clean 
To wish I had never traded my car for the truck
 To still be nursing Mason because he’s my last baby and I don’t want him to grow up yet 
That I signed up for a 5k that I may end up walking because I suck at running 
To wish I could get advice from my dad 
To pray every day for my mom’s health, and be scared to death to lose her 
To be happy about talking with old friends again, really missed it 
To blog whenever I want just to get things off my chest

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