I swear I can't catch a break. I'm stuck home because I have strep....being contagious is very lonely. I've tried being distance and not all hugs and kisses with my boys so they won't catch it. It sucks, this mama is missing her XOXO. Pluse missing 3 days of work will show on my paycheck, not cool at all.
This year is really flying by, Easter is this weekend, thats just insane. I started blogging after Easternlast year, can't believe I've been at this for almost a year, and I love it. I love looking back and reading old posts, it's fun seeing the changes.
Praying that I will be all better by this weekend, want to make Easter specail for my boys, and hope to hang out with some good friends. Wish I could be spending it with family, but they will be here at the end of the month for Aidens and Johnny's Birthdays, very excited for that, doing a superhero theme.
That's the update for now, looking forward to doing a Easter fun post tomorrow.
Feel better soon! Being sick is not fun at all especially since you can't get any lovin'! Happy Easter!