Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy Anniversary

Replacing Emoji...

Happy Anniversary To my amazing husband Danny. Today makes 5 years, and they truly have been amazing. We are strong and have been through some crazy things together. I would not change anything, not even the 2 long deployments because I feel we are who we are because of what we have been through. My love for you only gets stronger as time goes by. I love you and always will. Thank you for being you and for putting p with me for as long as you have. Look forward to the many years ahead.

I love you!


  1. Amen sister! . . ily2
    so funny that we were married a-day-part and our husbands served two tours together.. (they are hidden lovers , ya know) lol
    our son's are 4 months apart,,
    ft lewis is/was our first station duty,,
    and your dad and my dad are both soldiers for life..
    God takes us to some amazing places.. and i'm glad He brought us together.
    I'm glad yall made it to five years and counting ;-) you are a perfect couple with each other.. you fill him and he in you. just simply amazing and your strength is majestic .. i love you Danny An Julia Miller + Aiden = 3 Fablous people!!

  2. Happy 5th Anniversary! Here's to many more to come. :)

  3. I am always in awe of couples who can grow together during deployment. It's amazing and I don't know honestly if I could do it. You guys are awesome! Happy Anniversary!
