I’m loving Zumba, it’s a good workout and it’s FUN just wish I was not sick and could actually go this week.
I’m loving that we are trying to make handmade Christmas presents this year, it will be interesting.
I’m loving my boots, I got them from pay less. Super Cute! Not loving that I got them a few days to early because now they are on sale and I have a coupon.
I’m loving pinterest as always. I found the presents I’m making on there which i cannot show until after I make them and also found a cute tutorial on a book holder I want to try and make for Aiden.
I’m loving that it’s finally cold out and that it might actually stay cold. The heat this summer was crazy. So I'm looking forward to the cold.
I’m loving that we finally put our Christmas tree up, I’m a sucker for the holidays. I just love the spirit of Christmas. My hubby even helped, it was awesome!
I’m loving the dual portable DVD player we got for the car on black Friday. Aiden is going to love being able to watch the Bubble Gubbies on the road.
I'm Loving that I can at least sit up and write my blog today, and hope to catch up on some reading every ones post. Being sick really sucks.
I'm loving that one of my besties will be here a few days in January. Miss the Farringtons
I'm loving that we were home for the wreath ceremony at my dads cemetery.
As always I'm Loving my boys. What are you loving?