Sunday, June 17, 2012

Phone Photo Fun Monday, Fathers Day Weekend.

Felt like a long weekend but I am still so tired. I feel like if no one woke me up I could sleep for days.On Thursday I was off and my Hubby was off because we were going to be in OKC for a conference I had to be in on Friday. We took advantage of being in the city for the day so we took Aiden to the Zoo. Only thing that sucked was it closed at 5 and we got there at 3, we did get to see lots but it was a bit rushed and it was really hot. Aiden LOVED it, and I loved seeing him be so happy and into it. Knowing the animals and the sounds, it was fun watching him light up. The best part was the tigers, they had 6 tiger cubs about to be one in July in the same habitat, and they were full of life, playing with each other. Once we left the zoo we headed to the hotel, that was covered by the job, it was a very nice hotel, loved the bed, even if I was sleeping super close the the end because my 2 year old can take the whole thing up. We will be going again at the end of the month for a marriage retreat, it will be a nice relaxing 3 days I look forward to. 

Hope everyone had a good Fathers Day, we just hung out around the house, and Danny made some good BBQ ribs, and salmon. Aiden an I made Danny the DAD photo idea I saw on pinterest for his desk. Here are some photos from the phone over the weekend. Hope you all have a great Monday

Listening to Dr. Mom at the conference.

Happy Father's Day

My boys

Got a few highlights and a cut.

Love that it feels lighter.

Got the hubs to join in.

This was much cheaper then a sand box, and we got a tarp for only $3 to cover it. Aiden loves it.

Aiden got his 1st haircut... no tears from my big boy.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Happy Birthday to my Mom

 Happy Birthday to my Mom.

I LOVE.....

that you are always there when I need help.

that you would drop what evers going on in your life to take care of me when I sick, even though I'm 25.

that you always know when somethings wrong, even when I try to hide it.

that you can always make me laugh.

that your an amazing Oma, Aiden is so spoiled from you.

that you listen to me ramble on about the most random things.

that you are my mom and I love you.

I hope you have a beautiful day!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Sunday Social Link up & Relay update

<center><a href="" title="Sunday Social"><img width="195px" src="" alt="Sunday Social" /></a></center>

How did you come up with your blog name? My husband came up with it. Army life is all I know, my dad was in for 20 years, and then My husband joined. I have moved every 3 years my whole life and have learned that Home is where the Army sends, wherever that may be.

What is your favorite thing about blogging? Sharing my little life, and being able to look back and read what was going in my life before. Helps keep family and friends updated on us since we are always so far from everyone.

What is one thing you have discovered because of blogging and now cant live without? Pinterest. I was told about it by a friend who is a fellow blogger and then started seeing it on blogs, I love it and have done so many awesome crafts and meals from it.

Facebook or Twitter?  Facebook, I don't have the hang of twitter just yet and have been using facebook for so long.

If one celeb read your blog who would you want it to be? Jessica Simpson, and I would share how much I love shoes and then she would send me tons of shoes. I really like her styles of shoes. I'm a dork.

What is something you want people to know about your blog? That it's very random, and that I've been blogging a year now and still have lots to learn about blogging.

Relay for life Update:

We made Gold meaning we raised over $5,000.

Here I am at about 3 am, I tried to sleep in my lawn chair but that did not work, and as you can see it was super bright thanks to the lights from the stadium.

I thought this part was beautiful.

Our Booth.

We got a bead for every lap, this was one of the many we passed along to each team member that was walking. I walked a little over 10 miles, the longest I have ever walked. It was tough, and when I walked 2 more laps at 4am in was funny how slow I was moving. I did have some awesome friends that came out and supported me and walked me me for awhile, I heart them all. I was so proud of my husband and my son because they stayed with me until about midnight and walked almost as much as I did, It was a great event and was very happy to be apart of it.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Cancer Sucks!!

Cancer truly sucks!! Roughly 7.2 to 7.5 million people worldwide die from cancer each year. In the United States alone where cancer death statistics are highly monitored each year has seen a steady death rate of 550,000 to 600,000 people year after year, or roughly 1,500 people per day. ( )  This number is insane and very scary. Even the healthiest people can't ind from it, they can decrease their chances but it still sucks that there is NOTHING you can really do to prevent it 100%.

Later today I am walking with many others with the Relay for Life event. I've never done anything like this before but I really wanted to support and try and raise money to help find cures. I have lost all my grandparents to some type on cancer. I walk for them and all those who have lost their battle and for those who are currently fighting.

So far the team I am a part of The Cure Crew has raised $4,059.44. Our goal is 4,500. You can still help!

DONATE HERE Any thing will help, and it means a lot!

 My Grandpa & Grandma Fred & Cathy McGinnis
My grandpa was only 48 & my grandma was only 61.
They are both missed very much.

My Opa was 70 & My Oma was 69. We love and miss you.

Ready for the Relay!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Weekend fun and Americas got talent.

Summer has officially started!! Look forward to the heat and playing outside as much as we can. Last week we went to Texas and saw my baby sister graduate and while there we went to the lake and Aiden loved it. I had a moment where I was sad. The last time we were at the late my little ma was just a baby, this year he walked beside me, and was helping us build sand castles. Its crazy how time flys. Also while in Texas we went and saw my dad.

It was a fun weekend.

Does anyone ever get stuck when it comes to blogging? Ive been a little out of it because I feel my life has fallen into a routine and I don't have anything new to share. I'm just in a rut I guess. Have any advice, please share.

Does anyone watch America's got Talent? Last night was a pretty god episode, way to go Austin. Missed it?

Here is LuLu, I give her kudos for being comfortable in her body, and she went for it!!

Here is Tim Poe, has a amazing story!

and lastly here us Joe Castillo, loved his talent!!!